Chicken bone broth recipe
- 1 large chicken carcass
- As many vegetables as you can find – an onion of some sort is a non negotiable!
- Cold water
- Apple cider vinegar
Simply place your chicken carcass and veg into a slow cooker (or saucepan on the stove top). Add just enough water to cover the chicken and veg, don’t add too much or you’ll have a weak broth. A splash of apple cider vinegar helps everything break down. I leave mine for as long as possible but 6 – 10 hours is good. Once your broth looks a deep colour, and smells amazing, strain it into a storage container and store in the fridge. It should set to a jelly like consistency, if it doesn’t then add less water next time.
Vegetable soup recipe
- 1 onion
- Celery
- 1 tray worth of your fav vegetables
- 1 Tin of tomatoes
- Broth (I used chicken)
Chop your veg and toss in some olive oil and your seasoning of choice, throw fresh tomatoes in too if you have them! Roast in the oven until soft and fragrant. Add to a large sauce pan and add tinned tomatoes, if you didn’t roast fresh ones. Use an immersion blender to blend your veg, if you don’t have one a normal blender will work but let the veg cool first. Add the broth to bring the soup to your desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. I store mine in a Kilner jar in the fridge for a couple of days.. if t lasts that long.
Toad in the hole recipe
- 6 Pork Sausages
- 6 oz Plain flour
- 2 Large eggs
- 6 fl oz Milk
- 4 fl oz Water
Preheat oven to 200c. Meanwhile, combine plain flour (seasoned with salt and pepper), 2 eggs and the liquids in a blender. Blend, or whisk by hand until bubbly and full of air. Put the batter in the fridge for at least 5 minutes. Add olive oil to the tray along with the sausages and cook for 5 minutes. Then add the batter and cook for a further 30 minutes. It is literally that easy!