let’s talk laser hair removal.… The life-changing treatment which I wish I’d tried sooner!
I cannot believe I’ve never done a blog post on this, because having laser hair removal, has been simply life changing for me.
I’ve tried numerous types of hair removal and even numerous types of laser, at home and in-clinic. Today, I’m going to share my experience of in-clinic laser hair removal.
My journey, with laser hair removal, started a few years ago, I found it tricky to stick to the treatments with my lifestyle, but I still had ‘ok’ results. However, in March 2020 I decided to take it seriously and have my; under arms, lower legs and bikini done. For good results, you need to commit to a course of treatments, usually 6 each 6 weeks apart.
The timing wasn’t great, but I had my initial treatment, a few days before the first lockdown. I really didn’t know what to expect, the hair started to grow back as normal and I was a bit gutted. But then, over the course of a few days, it all fell out and I didn’t have to shave for the entirety of that first lockdown… So what, 3 months?! After 1 treatment!
Now it’s probably a good time to say, I’m a particularly good candidate for laser with my skin tone and dark hair but I didn’t expect those results after one session.
I’d always found hair removal really consuming, particularly as a teen. I’ve tried everything; shaving, waxing, epilating (which I still love) and all of those other little gadgets. So having found something, that genuinely works for me, has changed my life!
Let’s talk about the pain. I’m pretty good at dealing with pain so take that into consideration. Underarms and legs are totally fine for me, I find it somewhat relaxing. My bikini area is stingy, but it’s never enough for me to feel like I have to take a break during the treatment. Totally tolerable! I always take paracetamol an hour or so before my appointment and they say not to get it done around your period because your pain receptors are higher. (Can confirm, this is a thing!!)

So where am I at now? I’m 2 years into my laser treatment, which I’ve been consistent with, except when lockdown stopped me! I’m pretty much hair free just having my “yearly top ups”. I can’t remember the last time I shaved my underarms and as someone who used to have to shave them daily, it’s such a welcomed change.
As I said, I’d always found hair removal totally consuming. Having to plan my outfits around when I could get a clean shave, especially on my under arms. Maybe it’s not that deep and perhaps, I was just an insecure teen, but I wish someone had given 16 year old me a laser hair removal gift card for Christmas!
The only thing I can’t really touch on too much is the cost. Obviously it’s going to be different wherever you go. The way I initially justified it is because I was paying just over £50 per bikini wax (I know!!! London prices) and where I go, Pulse Light Clinic, had a deal on at the time that made a session of laser cheaper than my bikini wax.
I’ve had a great experience going to Pulse Light Clinic as a paying customer, and just for transparency, following that, they kindly discounted some of my treatments. They usually have some amazing deals on laser packages, so if you’re in London, then take a look!
Overall, it’s been something I wish I’d done at a younger age and something I’d do all over again if I had to. So if you’re considering it, I hope this has answered some of your queries!
Until next time,